
GenReady Installation

GenReady load center handles all power switching and distribution within one unit.

GenReadyTM Load Center

What is GenReady? Generac's GenReady load center (circuit breaker box) is a hybrid panel that separates the electrical circuits of your home... those that will be backed-up by a generator, and those that will not. 

Installing the GenReady load center during construction makes your home ready for the installation of a standby generator, saving you thousands in equipment and labor charges compared to retrofit generator installations.

Easiest, most economical generator installation 

  • No need for additional installation labor 
  • No need for extra sub-panels 
  • No need for a transfer switch 

Traditional Installation Transfer switch and load center for generator are added to existing household load center.

GenReady Load Center

  • Accepts up to 40 circuits with the use of tandem breakers 
  • About the size of a standard 42-space main load center 
  • Utilizes standard Siemens panel board components 
  • Compatible with generators rated up to 125 Amps / 30 kW 
  • Up to three GenReady load centers can be supported with a single generator 

GenReady Installation Options

It's your choice. You can select GenReady Complete and be protected from the day you move in, or you can lay the foundation for a cost-effective installation later with GenReady Basic or Advanced. Either way, you add significant value to your home. 

You get all the benefits of the Basic installation with the addition of a transfer mechanism on the GenReady load center. All the fuel and electrical lines are installed to the planned generator site along with the generator pad (if necessary.) The home is completely wired and ready for the addition of a standby generator. A complete home standby system is installed with the GenReady load center, offering the most economical generator installation. Your new home is protected from a power outage from the day you move in. The GenReady load center is installed as your normal load center. The circuits that you would eventually like backed up by generator power are separate from those that you do not want backed up. You will save money by eliminating equipment and reducing installation charges when a standby generator is installed.


Quality Electrical Construction, INC

Pierro Quality Electrical Construction, INC

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